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Stories of Friendship and Heritage

first lieutenant Yehuda Arie
Son of Uri and Rachel
4/7/1952- 7/10/1973

Yehuda was born in Jerusalem in 1952 to a zionist-religious family. He graduated from “Hamaala” religious school. Yehuda had very good academic achievements, and he was also a great athlete. He was recruited to the IDF in July of 1970 as part of a Nachal (Pioneer Combatant Youth) Group that settled in Ramat Magshimim.

Yehuda was an excellent soldier and went on to graduate from officers course. On the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, Yehuda was part of the rescue force which was sent to Tel-Saki. He was shot to death during the rescure operation.

Yehuda left behind his parents, and three brothers and sisters.

His friends in the Israeli Scouts movement published a book about him, “And that to Yehuda”.